The Best Kept Secret Fat Burning Exercise
Well if you saw the title and clicked on the post then I'm sorry, but it was my bad attempt at clickbait to get people reading. Again I'm sorry, There are some exercises that are better than others for fat loss, the thing is, that it's not a big industry secret - it's well known that this one exercise is considered one of the best fat burning exercises.
This is just from my personal experience, there is science behind different exercises but the one thing that helped me kick start my initial weight loss journey, nearly 2 stone. the one thing I did, the BIG INDUSTRY SECRET is... Skipping.
Skipping is great. A full body workout requiring 2 things, a skipping rope, these can cost you less than £5 and some space. So there is literally no excuse, there is a learning curve, but learning new things is awesome. So if you're learning a new skill I guess you could use it as a mental workout too.
Here are three reasons why skipping is so great.
Full Body Workout (and mind)
Skipping is not easy, it can be a very intense workout, and that's what we like when it comes to fat burning, get the heart rate up, get the sweat pouring (and I mean pouring) and what's a better way than skipping. The main thing is that this is a full body workout, using your core for balance, legs for jumping and the upper body to move the rope.
There is a whole heap of co-ordination required to skip, having to jump in time with the moving of the rope, that sounds easy but when you get into speed skipping it becomes a bit harder to keep your jumping in time, especially if you end up throwing a bit of flair in there and cross skipping, hopping on one leg, double skips, anything.
Learning a new skill is tough, but you never know, you might find that you're really good at skipping and you take to it like a duck to water. Be aware that from the beginning you will be whipping your shins a few times but you get used to the sting of plastic or leather snapping into your legs.
High Fat Burning
When it comes to burning fat you want to get your heart rate up. The most important thing is that you want to work hard - it makes the rewards more satisfying. It's said that if you skip for an hour (which is mental) you will burn upto 1300 calories - although no one skips for an hour it's important to note that you will only ever want to skip for 10-15 minutes at a time (interval training ahoy)
10 minutes of skipping is just as good as running for 45 minutes and less time consuming. If you don't want to go running then it's a great alternative. Providing your body can handle it. Running can be quite taxing on your lower body, when you're skipping and you're landing correctly you'll find that skipping is going to be much nicer on your lower body.
Cost Effective
When you're trying to get in shape one of the things that people want to do is save as much money as possible, and here at Be A Hero, we like cheap, not everyone can afford a gym membership. That's alright, sometimes people don't want to go the gym and that's also alright. Most people can afford a skipping rope and the good thing is that once you have the skipping rope, the workouts afterwards are all free.
Gym memberships can range from £15 - £40 a month, over a year you're looking at a lot of money, especially if your bank isn't the most padded. You buy a cheap plastic skipping rope then you can get them as cheap as £2.50 off of a quick eBay search,
The above link is to a skipping rope on ebay, I get literally nothing extra if you buy from this link. Just for the sake of transparency.
Example Skipping Rope Workout (Intervals)
You can do one of two different workouts; one is just basic skipping intervals and the other one includes some body weight exercises.
Without Body-weight - Skip as hard as you can for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
With Body-weight - Skip at a maximal level for 30 seconds, 30 seconds of a body-weight exercise and then rest for 30 seconds.
The body-weight exercises can be anything you want. Push ups, Planks, Mountain Climbers, Squats, Pull Ups. Anything you want.
Repeating these as much as you want up to 10-15 minutes, the sweat will be pouring.
Most importantly you need to stay safe and train responsibly. Have fun and enjoy yourself.
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