About Me

Hello, my name is Billy and I am the creator of Be A Hero, an online fitness and well-being blog. I have been in and out of fitness for 6 years now and I am a REPs Level 3 Qualified Personal Trainer. Be A Hero is a side project for me to work on to help people through the beginning of their fitness journeys. 

At Be a Hero I understand that everyone is different, everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Things that motivate them and things that can get in the way. Certain boundaries that may prevent them from doing what they want to do. I am here to help people break through those boundaries and begin the road to recovery. 

My story.

I was first diagnosed with depression in 2015, this was during a period of unemployment. I was out of work for 10 months and since then I've found myself in and out of work. My mental health always being the main reason why I left certain jobs.

I had met a personal trainer through an old job and discussed with him how I have trained people before (albeit my friends and unqualified) and he recommended that I get into it. So I asked him about how he got into the business and I went from there. By May 2018 I was qualified. One of the most fulfilling days of my life. Even more than when I got my A-Levels. This was what I wanted to do. 

September 2018, I started falling back into my old ways. Not really leaving the house and not really doing much. I was in a job where I felt very under-appreciated and this was something that I hated. I couldn't even get myself to stay there for the money - 12 hour contracts are really underwhelming. I also started struggling with a minor gastrointestinal issue that slowly took over my life (I like to call it stress) 

Amidst all of this I started losing weight, not just a little, but about 2 stone - I didn't have the weight to lose and it was a case of me seeing pictures of myself and not liking the way I looked. I had grown a rather unkempt mop of hair and an Amish-esque ginger beard. One day I decided enough was enough, shaved the hair off and the beard and went back to the gym on that Monday and since then I haven't looked back since. 

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