Invest In Yourself

Investment is great, spending money on something that you think will provide you a more bountiful outcome later on down the line. But that's not the type of investment I want to talk about - I'm talking about a more mindful approach to things.

When it comes to your mental health, there is one thing that matters the most, and that is yourself. You only get one you (if that makes any sense) so it's best to look after yourself and make an investment in yourself - spend some time doing things that you know will make you feel good.

This may seem like a bit of a cliche subject but often the cliches are the best way to get a point across. In the long run your mind and body will thank you for it. The best time to do something is to get up and do it. A way that I found is by adopting a "Don't think, just do" mentality. That may sound dangerous but when you look at with a bit of common sense then you will find that you feel you can do anything.

If going to the gym makes you feel good then get up and go to the gym. If going for a run makes you happy then go for a run. If going for a walk with your dogs makes you happy then do that.

It might not even be something on a physical lesson but I can only talk about what I know, when I was working a crappy-retail job there were times where I would finish work and just want to go home and curl up into a ball in bed and sleep - to counteract this I would often just go home, switch my brain off and play video games for a few hours - it's a much different tone to the rest of this blog. But that time that set aside for myself made all the difference.

There is a point to be made about things that are more productive versus things that are a bit less so but then there is another point about finding a balance between the two. I find that I feel best by dedicating the first part of my day (9am-4pm) doing things that I can look at as productive - be it working out or work. But as soon as it comes to the evening time that's when I start doing things that are a little bit less productive - video games etc. 

There are many things you can do to make yourself feel better, if it's something that you enjoy then don't feel guilty in doing it. Be mindful of which things are productive. If you need to be more selfish and take a bit of time for yourself then don't feel guilty. You don't have to go to that social event that you don't want to go to. Just spend your time focusing on yourself. You are the most important thing.

Most importantly, just have fun with what you're doing. 


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